Green Traditional Embroidered Anarkali Pant Suit will bring out the best in you on any wedding or festive event with its exclusive karigiri. This suit set features beautiful dori, thread, sequence work embroidery on soft net slit style anarkali top paired with classic santoon pants bottom and satin inner. The beauty part of this suit is its satin lace enhanced soft net dupatta. Team up golden jewellery and stilettos with this suit set to fetch you a lots of compliments and glances on this Eid.
- This set comprises of a slit style anarkali gown, pants bottom and a dupatta.
- Embroidery work is completed with dori, sequence and thread work.
- This set can be best worn on any asian wedding event.
- Annotated embroidered neck, yoke and daman detailing.
- Designer three piece Indian outfit.
- Modesty Customisable.